The Goddess Divine

TGD celebrates feminine beauty and empowerment!!! Beauty itself brings us a taste of the divine... let it drip from our tongues like the elixir of life waiting to come alive within. TGD Art & Prints celebrate the divine & human nature through the feminine lens.

We often see in media and movies the image of the “powerful woman” which is really just masculine attributes of strength and drive displayed by a woman. There’s nothing wrong with women embodying their own healthy inner masculine… but feminine power looks different. Healthy feminine power looks like unconditional love, compassion, intuition, omniscience, creativity, emotions, radiance, stillness and being. These divine feminine superpowers exist in all of us - as each of us have a feminine essence regardless of gender. And it is this theme Artist Jen Street explores in her work.

See for yourself the beautiful, unique art dedicated to the Goddess Divine within. Browse our collections of fine and pop art, available in prints, merchandise and original artwork, created custom to your tastes.

Custom Art Prints in Matte, Framed or Metal Finish

Metal Prints

These are a collection of metal art prints available in various designs... 

Matte Prints

These are a collection of unframed matte finish art prints available in... 

Framed Prints

These are a collection of framed matte finish art prints available in... 

Custom Paintings

Want something completely unique for your space? Commission artist Jen Street to create your custom art.

Subjects can be anything from yourself or a family member to your favorite movie star or hero / heroin.

Mediums can be watercolor / oil on canvas / metal / wood... glass on metal... or a custom graphic design piece based on your vision.

The sky's the limit!

  • Watercolor Portraits

    Want a Soul Portrait, but don't have a big budget? Choose Watercolor on Premium Paper - size 18" x 24" (shipping extra) only $333 - perfect for framing and as a gift. Book a free consultation to find out more.

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  • Oil Paintings

    Choose from the original paintings already on the store - or - choose your own subject. Preferred subjects are portraits of some kind - no landscapes. Prices start at $350 a sq.ft - minimum size is 20" x 20" (shipping extra).

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  • Glass Portraits

    These are truly one-of-a-kind portraits made using colored glass bottles, broken and glued to create a stunning visual effect. Prices start at $600 per sq.ft. - minimum size is 20" x 20" (shipping extra).

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  • Custom Graphic Design

    Jen Street is a seasoned graphic designer. You can commission an original design for business or home use, of almost any theme imaginable. Prices start at $75/hr. for design plus cost of your choice of printed media.